The Greatest Best Picture Movie Ever
Jamie, Aaron, Jarad and Mercedes discuss their Top 10 Best Picture Winners - As awarded by the Academy Awards.
Depending on where a film ranks on the list it will get a point;
1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 9 points
3rd place = 8 points etc.
The highest scoring movie at the end will be declared The Greatest Best Picture Movie Ever.
Jamie, Aaron, Jarad and Mercedes discuss their Top 10 Best Picture Winners - As awarded by the Academy Awards.
Depending on where a film ranks on the list it will get a point;
1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 9 points
3rd place = 8 points etc.
The highest scoring movie at the end will be declared The Greatest Best Picture Movie Ever.
Jamie, Aaron, Jarad and Mercedes discuss their Top 10 Best Picture Winners - As awarded by the Academy Awards.
Depending on where a film ranks on the list it will get a point;
1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 9 points
3rd place = 8 points etc.
The highest scoring movie at the end will be declared The Greatest Best Picture Movie Ever.