The Greatest TV Show Ever Part 1
Jamie, Aaron and Jarad discuss their Top 10 Greatest TV Shows Ever. They talk about their favourite shows that aren't comedies - from Succession to X-Files to Dexter. It is a list full of HBO and Fan favourites.
Depending on where a film ranks on the list it will get a point;
1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 9 points
3rd place = 8 points etc.
The highest scoring TV Show at the end of the episode will go through to the next episode to compete against the comedies in the right to be declared The Greatest TV Show Ever.
Jamie, Aaron and Jarad discuss their Top 10 Greatest TV Shows Ever. They talk about their favourite shows that aren't comedies - from Succession to X-Files to Dexter. It is a list full of HBO and Fan favourites.
Depending on where a film ranks on the list it will get a point;
1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 9 points
3rd place = 8 points etc.
The highest scoring TV Show at the end of the episode will go through to the next episode to compete against the comedies in the right to be declared The Greatest TV Show Ever.
Depending on where a film ranks on the list it will get a point;
1st place = 10 points
2nd place = 9 points
3rd place = 8 points etc.
The highest scoring TV Show at the end of the episode will go through to the next episode to compete against the comedies in the right to be declared The Greatest TV Show Ever.